Vitamin C, Ascorbic Acid - Benefits and Food Source

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

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This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant, also thought to boost immunity and fight a number of diseases. It is water-soluble and quickly lost from your body, so a daily intake is vital.

How It Works

It is involved in a large number of biological processes, which is why it is essential for health. It is used to make collagen, the protein that makes the skin, joints and bones strong.

It speeds up wound healing, and helps to form red blood cells and prevent bleeding.

Your body's immune system relies on it to keep the disease-fighting white blood cells active.

It also helps your body to absorb iron and folic acid effectively and turn food into energy.


Deficiency Symptoms

Benefits of C vitamin

Colds and Flu

It reduces the duration of colds and other viral infections by killing off viruses and mopping up inflammatory chemicals produced during infection. It also boosts immunity and resistance.

Hay Fever

As a natural antihistamine, it helps to reduce the effects of pollen allergy.

Skin Care

It protects against skin damage and reduces the effect of sunburn by neutralizing free radicals and producing collagen.


C Vitamin is considered essential for sperm health, improving the quality, quantity and mobility of normal sperm. It is also thought to protect genetic material because of its antioxidant qualities.

Wound Healing

Increasing this vitamin intake helps to speed up the healing process after operations.


As an antioxidant, it protects the eyes from free radical attack, which clouds the lens, and is thought to be particularly important in preventing the development of age-related cataracts.


It is essential for the formation of collagen, which is vital for healthy bones.
As one of the main antioxidants, it helps to counteract the effects of free radicals, destructive chemicals that speed up the aging process and cause cell damage.


Multivitamin tablets usually contain 60mg of C vitamin, which is necessary for health. Smokers require much more (25mg is lost with every cigarette). Heavy drinkers, those under stress and people who regularly take aspirin or antibiotics or are suffering from infection also need increased amounts.

A good basic intake is considered to be 100-250mg daily. It works best with calcium and magnesium, and bioflavanoids found in fruits and vegetables enhance its absorption.


Megadoses of vitamin C can have a laxative effect, and some people find large doses too acidic (try the low-acid versions instead). If you are taking a megadose, do not stop it suddenly - reduce the amount gradually or you may suffer symptoms of scurvy.


Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Vital Facts

Recommended daily allowance for adults:

Main functions:

Food Sources:

Fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of C vitamin, and one orange should supply the RDA. Water, cooking, heat and light all destroy this vitamin.

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Other vitamin supplements

A good multi-vitamin supplement will provide you with almost sufficient C vitamin daily requirement. Look at which mluti-vitamin supplements suit your need.

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